14-Day DanielS Fast
Monday, January 3 – Sunday January 16, 2022
6:00AM – 6:00PM Daily
THEME: “Becoming More Like the Church at Philadelphia”
Revelations 1-3

Each day will be concluded by exaltations & prayers from 6:00pm – 7:00pm
(on zoom)
Topic of Meditation | Scriptures | A Question to Mull Over | Moderator*** of Closing Session (6pm – 7pm) | |
Day 1 Mon. 1/3/2022 | How Do You See God? Is God Gracious to You? | Exodus 34:6- 7; Psalms 145: 8-9; | Do you see God as Someone to run to when you screw up? Or are you afraid that He is angry, frustrated and disgusted with you when you screw up? | Rev. Dr. Agbor |
Day 2 Tue. 1/4/2022 | What’s the Wisdom in God’s Mercy/Kindness? “The Father Wound” | Luke 15; Rom. 2: 4; | Where might you find yourself in the Luke 15 story? Eager to get out on your own party? Living it up, living wild? Running out of time and money? Stuck in some dead- end life knowing your own foolishness got you there? Coming to your senses/ Coming home? | Deacon Tony Jr. |
Day 3 Wed. 1/5/2022 | What is Your Motive? It’s possible to do all the ‘right things’ for all the wrong reasons. “There’s Another Brother” | Luke 15: 25- 32 | Which picture of the two sons best describes where you are right now in your life? What needs to change in order for you to embrace the third picture as truly portraying your life? | Deacon Obi Iroezi |
Day 4 Thurs. 1/6/2022 | Do You that God’s Grace is the greatest heart motivator to living right? “Grace Works!” | Titus 2: 11- 14; 1 Cor. 15: 10 | How does experiencing and living by God’s Grace move us to do what is right in a way that is far more effective than simply being told what to do and what not to do? | Deacon Augustus |
Day 5 Fri. 1/7/2022 | Have You been held captive by Guilt Feelings? It’s Time to Cancel Your Guilt Trip! | Isaiah 2: 12; 17-19; Psalms 7: 8-11; James 5:9 | Why do you think it is important to first grasp the Justice of God in order to appreciate His Grace? | Deaconess Pat |
Day 6 Sat. 1/8/2022 | Why is it so hard for Christ’s Disciples to believe that they are Unconditionally loved, forgiven & accepted? “The Defense Rests” | Zech. 3: 1-4; Rom. 8: 31-34 | Why do you think the devil works so hard to make you disbelieve in God’s gracious forgiveness of our shortcomings as Christ’s disciples? | Deaconess Esther |
Day 7 Sun. 1/9/2022 | Should Your Conscience be Your Ultimate Guide? Is there something like “false guilt” resulting from a poorly educated conscience and which leads to death? | 1 Tim. 1:5, 19;1 John 3: 19-20; Rom. 8:1 | Are you struggling with guilt feelings that are the result of an overly sensitive conscience? Have you added some man-made rules and regulations to your belief system that God does not have in His? | Rev. Dr. Agbor |
Day 8 Mon. 1/10/2022 | From Disgrace to Grace “He’s Got You Covered” | Gen. 3: 7-21; Psalms 147:3 | Which aspects of the SHAME acronym do you see at work most in your life? Are these coping mechanisms really working for you? | Deacon Moghalu |
Day 9 Tues. 1/11/2022 | Adopted and Accepted | Matt. 18: 12- 14; Rom. 8: 14-17; 15:7 | What does it mean to be “accepted” by God? Try and come up with some words or phrases from everyday life that would be really meaningful for you in grasping this truth about your relationship with God. | Dr. Ngozi Ajileye |
Day 10 Wed. 1/12/2022 | “Unmasking the Imposter”: Do You know that the devil can put impressions into your mind that masquerade as the voice of God…with the goal of keeping you locked in guilt and shame? | 2 Cor. 7: 9- 10; John 8: 31-32 | As you look at your life, which strategies of the devil discussed in today’s readings has he used effectively against you? What truth about God and His word do you need to hold fast to in order to defeat the enemy’s tactics? | Sis Ogo Ike |
Day 11 Thurs. 1/13/2022 | “The Weapon of Worship”: Do You know that it is often when your mind is idle that fear thrives? | 1John 4: 16- 18; 1 John 3:1; Psalms 34: 1-5; 37: 23-24 | How can you incorporate worship of God more into your day? Ask God to show you creative ways to worship rather than worry! | Sis. Ada Anumudu |
Day 12 Fri. 1/14/2022 | What is the Fear of God? Do You know there’s a “healthy” and an “unhealthy” fear of God? And are You that a healthy fear of God drives away all other unhealthy fears? | Phil. 2: 12- 13; 1 Peter 1: 17, Psalms 18: 1-3 | Think about how powerful God is. Come up with a list of things that God and nobody else can do. How does that knowledge not only make you tremble at His power but also give you great assurance that He, in His love, will protect you from all your fears? | Bro. Chimdi |
Day 13 Sat. 1/15/2021 | “A Death Blow to Death”: Do You know that God’s Grace is sufficient to carry You through anything life throws at You? | Heb. 2: 14- 15; 9:27; 1 Cor. 15: 54- 57; John 11: 25-26; Phil. 1: 21-23; 2 Cor. 12: 7-10 | The fear of death can be sort of an umbrella under which a whole bunch of other fears hide…like the fear of heights, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of the dark, fear of various animals, fear of getting sick etc…How does knowing that Christ is the Resurrection and the Life and that His Grace is sufficient for you grant you grace to overcome fear? | Bro Jude |
Day 14 Sun. 1/16/2022 | “2022 Is My Year of Reigning As A King/Queen & Priest, through a Revelation of the Grace & Love of Christ” | Eph. 3: 14-21; Rev. 1:6; 5:10 | Closing Sermon | Rev. Dr. Agbor |