Upcoming events are listed on this page while events that have ended can be found on the Past Events page. You can also view our Monthly Calendar.
Sunday School
A guided study/discussion of the bible
Sunday Worship Service
A time of powerful praise, worship and a life changing message from God
YAM Bi-Weekly Bible Study
A Bi-Weekly (every 2 weeks) study of the bible and discussion. We explore and discuss issues that affect us as young adults striving to follow Jesus.Location: Zoom Request Zoom Link
Music Ministry rehearsal
Thursday Rehearsals for Music and Media Ministry Teams
Youth Forum
CGYM Youth forum is a non-judgmental space for youth, 13-20 years, to discuss real issues that affect us as young people striving to follow Jesus.Location: Youth Hall
Missions Sunday
The Second Sunday of every month is Missions Sunday when we emphasize the importance of GIVING to support missionary work around the world and also praying for missionaries
Evangelism & Neighborhood Outreach
We go out into the surrounding neighborhoods and shopping centers sharing the Gospel and our faith through testimonies.
Reckless Praise Sundays
A quarterly Festival of Praise and Worship celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ with singing, dancing, testimonies and exhortation. Come join a one-of-a-kind party in God’s house!