Live By The Word

Deut 8:1-6

God our Creator, in His Wisdom, tabulated the ways to organize our lives. He put them as Commands, not choices. Humans must debate & give our views. We are free to. As children we ask “Why?” A loving dad says “because” then the question stops; order is obeyed, surprisingly!

His Old Testament “commands of Love“ finally show up in living visible nature …Christ Jesus, called the Word, who has been from the beginning and “without whom nothing was created.” He came to fulfill the Law, being “example for us to follow in His steps”.1 Peter 2:21.

All who obey, gain a lot: Freedom from traps of evil, joy, peace, self-worth, true worship of our Maker, leading us to the expected end. The ways of the world cannot point us to God; Christ the Cornerstone can; and….”all who believes in Him shall never be put to shame1 Peter 2:6. We encourage us all to find our Guide in the Bible God has provided.