Spirit-Inspired Levite

2 Chronicles 20:14-19

A Levite was a devoted and anointed Servant that goes between God and the people of Israel. They indeed held a crucial role in the spiritual life of the people. The Levites were completely in charge of the Worship, teaching, sacrifices, and even leading the Nation to war, plus their health. So what more could he need than the Spirit of God to take over his whole heart for this overwhelming work. The Spirit of God came upon Jahažiel to enable him defeat Israel’s enemy. He received detailed instructions on how to carry out the battle which God called “His own”. Without a complete possession by the Holy Spirit, his leadership would be ill-conveyed and disastrous.

Who are the Levites of our day? They are the Church Leaders with so many differing titles, (God help us). Heads of our homes are included; but be not confounded that as a strong believer projecting the true Gospel, you/we too are a “royal priesthood“; fully
responsible for people around us to be saved to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Are we, Christians, aware of our flouting this Chair and pushing it away to a few in the name of “Office”? See 1Peter 2:9

Therefore recognize it and posses it today that “Priesthood in Action”, belongs to you and me if the Spirit of God really dwells and is active in us. Only a life of sinfulness disqualifies us. But if only we agree, whatsoever we do, do it as a holy servant of God, to His Glory. Jesus appeals to those who believe…”The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few; Pray the Lord of Harvest to send laborers…” Matthew 9 :37-38

Lord, help me not to miss the opportunity to labor In Your Vineyard. Amen.