The Second Sunday of every month is Missions Sunday when we emphasize the importance of GIVING to support missionary work around the world and also praying for missionaries
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Deuteronomy 18 :15-19 Moses was encouraging the people of God not to mingle with soothsayers and diviners within the other nations. Rather than those, the Lord their God would “raise up …a leader like Moses from their brethren”. This new leader from the tribe of Judah was Christ Jesus. How is Christ like Moses? Like Moses, Christ had humanity, spoke with God, saves people from their enemy(ies), fulfilled the Law, leads out of Bondage, grew out from a Kingdom, arbiter…
Ephesians 5:15-21 “See then that you walk wisely.”… nothing but a command for Believers. The Order is non-negotiable. The above passage gives us the directives for how to “walk in Wisdom”.Verse 15: We are not to be foolish; When we make the right choices, we avoid disaster or disorder.Verse 16: Make use of the opportunity now; these days are evil. Delay can land you in Hell….Verse 17: The Will of God in our lives keep us in the right track,…
Jeremiah 23: 25-29 God spoke thru Jeremiah the Prophet, noting that there were false Prophets dreaming dreams He described as “Chaff “, without power. God emphasized in v29: His Word is like”fire”and like a ”hammer that breaks the rock into pieces.“ In Hebrews 4:12 Paul calls the Word a two- edged sword that pierces through a stubborn heart to convict and through his bone marrow to mobilize him to surrender to the Word. We know modern examples. God’s Word always…
Nehemiah 8:1-12 Our numerous experiences in life have proven that there’s a God who even the scientists have not disproved to exist. He also speaks and miraculously maintains a relationship with His Creation and human Creatures. Nehemiah completed the wall rebuilding and set up the people in Cities.Then the people gathered In Unity, asking Ezra the Priest/Scribe to read the Book of the Law. What followed?:Verse 3:They listened from morning till midday. They were attentive.Verse 5:They all stood upVerse 6:They…